
The Healthy Heart Network Show

The Healthy Heart Network is where knowledge breeds confidence, myths are dispelled, actual situations are measured and resources are made available for action – action towards better heart health and a longer, healthier life.  

The Healthy Heart Network is also designed to be a mutual-support group.  Initial support will come from the Healthy Heart team, but as our Network grows, so support for each other from within the Network will grow with it. 

Research shows that making effective and lasting change is more successful when you are supported, challenged and held accountable to yourself by your peers throughout the process. 


Art of Manifesting - Walking Your Shero's Journey

The Art of Manifesting TV Series is hosted by Lou Reed, founder and CEO of the Energy Medicine Institute (EMI). The Art of Manifesting is based on the Sheros journey, an extraordinary set of tools allowing us to uncover our current life story, discover the lost and forgotten parts of our self, discard that which no longer serves us and manifest a business and life we love. At the end of each episode, the viewers are invited to download writing prompts to explore their current life story through the key concepts from the episode, then action them in their life. About Expert Lou Reed: Founder and CEO of Energy Medicine Institute (EMI) & Tribal News TV Creator of Soul Psychology, Art Psychology & Energy Psychology. EMI, an online campus for all things regular schooling forgot to teach you, a place where ancient wisdom meets modern science. Offering world-class training allowing you to create remarkable transformation in all dimensions of your being: mind, body, soul and human connections. Lou reflects the wholeness of the human experience by combining Writing, Art, and Energy to align your three levels of consciousness bringing you back into alignment with the unique story of YOU, your living masterpiece. Your life is your Art! Nothing will satisfy you more than creating your world from the song of your heartbeat. In the last 16 years, Lou has guided thousands of creative warriors around the world to come alive and reignite their passion, through teaching, coaching, sold-out events and sought-after online training. Lou is a catalyst for inspiring others to rediscover their innate wild creative spirit, to trust, to write and share their untold stories, and re-create their lives, one act of courage at a time.


Dementia Sucks: A Caregivers Journey With Lessons Learned

Dementia Sucks: what every family needs to know about cognitive decline. I will read from the book and answer questions I am often asked. My book, Dementia Sucks: A Caregivers Journey with Lessons Learned, will be the basis of the shows. I will talk about cognitive decline, its impact on families, how to prepare and how to cope.


DNA of Hope

To age with excitement, see miraculous in the mundane, and uncover genius in the common places of life. This is Ann. For her, medicine is not a profession, but rather, a calling. A calling to grant hope to the hopeless through teaching what the body can really do. As a scientist, Ann-Louise Johnson is on a mission to release the infinite healing capacity in every human being. A registered nurse of more than forty years, and a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Ann leverages intense personal narratives that inspire her clients to live longer, stronger and with greater adventure than they could ever imagine. Whether training to compete for an Olympic Gold, facing surgery, or managing a chronic illness, Ann has developed a program to increase your performance, your health, your life. By aligning your internal cellular metabolism with your DNA, her team has built a platform launching you toward your AIM; your self-defined target. 

Together, we Hope. Together, we build the DNA of Hope.

For more Information, visit:


Evolvepreneur Summit

20 World-Changing Experts Reveal... Hacking The Entrepreneurs Mindset. Learn How To Build Your Brand or Business Using The Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs.


Author Academy

In this 5-part video series, I share the 5 secrets to how I published my first book. Many people express that they want to write their book, but most of the time, they never end up doing it. Something always holds them back...but what is it? Are not sure where to start? Or are they unsure of the steps to get their book completed? Maybe this has held you back, too. You aren\'t alone. This 5-part video series will put you 5 steps ahead of the many would be authors around the globe. Once you have completed this video series, you will be well on your way to becoming a published author!


Doctor Warrick Show

Doctor Warrick Bishop is a 2-Time #1 International Best Selling Author and Cardiologist with special interest in cardiovascular disease prevention incorporating imaging, lipids, and lifestyle. Graduating from the University of Tasmania, School of Medicine, in 1988. He worked in the Northern Territory and South Australia before completing his advanced training in cardiology in Hobart, Tasmania, becoming a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Physicians and Member of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand in 1997.


Evolvepreneur Summit - Free Preview

20 World-Changing Experts Reveal... "Hacking The Entrepreneur's Mindset" Learn How To Build Your Brand or Business Using The Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs. Access the full summit here:


Evolvepreneur Video Podcast

Evolvepreneur is a podcast featuring guest experts and stories about entrepreneurs and their quest to navigate the online world. Also visit for the Ultimate Learning and Social Site for Online Entrepreneurs! Evolvepreneur a learning portal for everything about online business and marketing. Evolvepreneur lets you interact with liked minded individuals Evolvepreneur will help you find the right tools and resources for the job.


Genuinely You Show

We are in the middle of a  paradigm shift  in consciousness. It is fundamental and it runs deep. It has the power to change the way we think, to shift our perception of ourselves, and the world around us. It has the capacity to expand our horizons and to bring a more loving and positive way of being.  

The "Genuinely You Show" hosted by Gina Gardiner takes you on a journey of discovery to find your genuine self and how you can have the confidence to let go of fear, and the stress and frustration of constantly trying to save the day and at the same time achieve ongoing happiness and fulfilment.

When you meet difficult situations,it is up to you to change those things you have the power to change but when you can’t change or influence the situation, you can choose to change the way in which you deal with it.

Gina's personal story of adversity and learning to walk twice in her life will inspire you.


The 7 Principles To Living a Fulfilling And Joyous Life

Simple building blocks to create a powerful, amazing and happy life. There are several core elements to living a happy, fulfilling and joyous life - a life where fear is not the driving force. The main principles are Focus, Perspective, Permission, Playfulness, Love, Forgiveness and Gratitude - areas that I cover fully for you to embrace on your path to empowerment. Underpinning those principles is Spiritual Awakening. Spiritual awakening is remembering that we can live a free, fearless, powerful life remembering we can live a free, fearless, powerful life when you are being genuinely YOU. To understand the principle of spiritual awakening, you only have to watch a young child. They have absolute faith in life, every challenge is approached with confidence and playfulness. When a baby is learning to walk they have no concept of failure. When they fall, they may cry for a moment but up they get again and again until they have mastered the skill. Very young children also have total faith that the world and everything in it loves them. As we develop we absorb the beliefs of those around us, we become fearful of our limitations and create beliefs about ourselves, and the world we live in. Often those beliefs are negative and keep us stuck in a cycle believing that we don\'t measure up to our own, or other\'s, expectations. The result? We live in a world of fear, lack and powerlessness UNLESS we choose to do things differently! Awareness is at the heart of being genuinely the very best you can be. However good life is now, it has the capacity to be EVEN better. Make your first choice on the path to personal empowerment. Find out how I can help you change your life...


The Alex Couley Show

To lead or manage in the modern world is becoming an ever complex process. The speed of change is increasing, technology is impacting all areas, intercultural workplaces and communities are becoming the norm, the list goes on. Alongside this the science of motivating self and others is constantly evolving. Whether you are a leader, a manager, a business owner or trying to lead in a community setting, this channel includes practical skills that will enhance your ability to engage and motivate yourself, your team, your community etc.


Brand Working TV

Brandworking TV is an interactive show where entrepreneurs can be motivated and inspired to stand-up and stand out with a meaningful personal brand. 

The show includes 'What Were They Thinking?' where we review a branding issue, an interview with extraordinary personal brands to inspire you to be your best brand, Brandworking tips, The Weekly Rocket news, full of opportunities for you to become a guest speaker, blogger or podcast guest and some Neurobranding insight into logos and colours.

Entertaining, educational and informative, this show helps you discover what it takes to be well known, well paid and wanted!


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