
Genuinely You Show

Host: Gina Gardiner,
Cast: Gina Gardiner,

We are in the middle of a  paradigm shift  in consciousness. It is fundamental and it runs deep. It has the power to change the way we think, to shift our perception of ourselves, and the world around us. It has the capacity to expand our horizons and to bring a more loving and positive way of being.  

The "Genuinely You Show" hosted by Gina Gardiner takes you on a journey of discovery to find your genuine self and how you can have the confidence to let go of fear, and the stress and frustration of constantly trying to save the day and at the same time achieve ongoing happiness and fulfilment.

When you meet difficult situations,it is up to you to change those things you have the power to change but when you can’t change or influence the situation, you can choose to change the way in which you deal with it.

Gina's personal story of adversity and learning to walk twice in her life will inspire you.

Genuinely You Show - Episode 1

Genuinely You Show - Episode 1

Do you want to learn the secret of living a confident and fulfilling life – without being stressed frustrated and feeling you can never measure up? Find out how to figure it all out on today’s episode.

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Genuinely You Show - Episode 2

Genuinely You Show - Episode 2

Do you have a critical voice in your head bringing you down? In today's episode, learn how to speak to yourself in a more kind and compassionate voice? Understanding how the quality of our thoughts governs the quality of our lives is vitally important – IF you want to create the very best quality of life for you and those you care about.

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Genuinely You Show - Episode 3

Genuinely You Show - Episode 3

Want to know how your current beliefs could be condemning you to a life sentence of unhappiness, isolation and fear. Today I'm going to show you how to create your get out of jail free card. Our beliefs create our reality, our experiences create the beliefs we hold about ourselves and the world. Once they are installed into our brain, we often give them lasting status – we rarely challenge the validity of them. The opposite is often true. We constantly look for evidence to uphold them even when they are negative and disempowering. The challenge is that when we look for evidence to support our beliefs we will find it, as we interpret what is happening based on the initial belief.

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Genuinely You Show - Episode 4

Genuinely You Show - Episode 4

Stop whining! Stop complaining! Seriously, just listen to yourself! In this episode discover how to swap the negative impact of the language you use and feel empowered, confident and truly fulfilled. Imagine how it would be if you could avoid feeling terrible when other people criticise you needlessly, or if you could feel confident to speak to others in even the trickiest situation or if you could stop that nagging voice in your head.

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Genuinely You Show - Episode 5

Genuinely You Show - Episode 5

Learn the critical reason why most women leaders filter out the most important answers to their deepest desires and they don’t even know they are doing it. Learn how your point of view can cloud everything – it either keeps you stuck or sets you free. Let me show you how a single shift in your perception can make an incredibly positive change to your life.

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Genuinely You Show - Episode 6

Genuinely You Show - Episode 6

How would you like to capture the power and wisdom of Aslan the lion? And experience a stronger and lasting feeling of self-love. Discover how to feel great about yourself, “wobbly bits and all!” Learn how the advice you are given on an airplane, can positively transform your life (this is going to surprise you).

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Genuinely You Show - Episode 7

Genuinely You Show - Episode 7

Successful people got there because of a lucky break. That’ll never happen to you, Right? Wrong! Discover how… Money doesn’t grow on trees, there never seems to be enough… sound familiar? Learn how to live an abundant life? Learn how the belief “ I don’t deserve to be rich!” is impacting negatively on your bank balance. Unlock the key to achieving wealth and abundance without becoming emotionally overdrawn.

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Genuinely You Show Episode 8

Genuinely You Show - Episode 8

Do you procrastinate or give up easily? – Let me help you discover how to create a new way of thinking, feel great about yourself and succeed in every area of your life. Why is it when we believe we want to do things we get in our own way and sabotage any chance of lasting success? How come it is often just as things are going really well that we take our foot of the gas, lose momentum and allow things to fizzle out? Today, I am going to share with you the most common forms of self- sabotage and offer you some strategies to deal with them.

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Genuinely You Show - Episode 9

Genuinely You Show - Episode 9

Learn the best kept secret to achieving confidence, happiness and fulfilment. Learn how gratitude has the power to create confidence, optimism and transformation? Even if you’re the most skeptical person. Discover how gratitude has the power to recalibrate your thinking – from worthlessness to confidence, from struggle to success. Find out how to harness the power of gratitude and live an amazing, confident and fulfilling life.

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Genuinely You Show - Episode 10

Genuinely You Show - Episode 10

Discover the number #1 secret that will free you from the weight of past hurts and help you step into your true power, so you can live a life of confidence, freedom and fulfilment. Holding onto the bitterness and hurt is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. It is possible to live your life differently. I will reveal how… Mercy, compassion, forgiveness. Three of the most powerful words on the planet, learn why and how to embrace their strength.

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Genuinely You Show - Episode 11

Genuinely You Show - Episode 11

Discover how to stop feeling that ‘Nothing you do is ever right or good enough’ and how you can feel good about yourself and to own your achievements with confidence . Yes, way too many people find themselves in deep s-h-#-t. It is too important So let’s not pussy foot around. Discover a different way to regain confidence and self-belief How’s that dark cloud above your head? Fancy a bit of sunshine? Let me show you how to find it.

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Genuinely You Show - Episode 12

Genuinely You Show - Episode 12

Discover how to capture the mighty power of being authentically, genuinely YOU. Discover the ultimate power of finding your true purpose and living it. Learn how to make the illusion of being Wonder Woman a reality. What do you fear most? Fear of Success or fear Of Failure. Either one will hold you back. Learn how to harness confidence and have the courage to live a fearless life.

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Genuinely You Show - Episode 13

Genuinely You Show - Episode 13

Discover how you can step into your divine feminine energy and fulfil your true potential.

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Genuinely You Show - Episode 14

Genuinely You Show - Episode 14

In this final episode of The Genuinely You Show, Gina and Beth have a conversation.

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Genuinely You Show Episode 15 - Interview & Behind The Scenes

Genuinely You Show Episode 15 - Behind The Scenes on Genuinely You Show

Experience behind the scenes on Genuinely You Show with a speclal interview and we take you into the making the show.

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