Hello there and a huge welcome to the Gina Gardner and friend show. John North, who is my guest today, and I have worked together for a number of years, he is  great friend, and he has an incredible track record. Not only is he a seven times number one international bestselling author, but is ranked on the Wall Street Journal in Usa Today.

He helps authors get their books published, get them written, get them published, and get them to number one, bestselling status. He has all sorts of other things going on, but today we're gonna be talking about hybrid publishing and how to create and publish your own book and to do that. No matter whether you see yourself as a writer or not, so long as you've got something really worth talking about.

So John, a huge welcome. Thanks John. Welcome. It's great to be here. So before we get started, can you just share some of your journey? How have you come to be doing this? And I know you've helped over two and a half thousand authors, so this is not a small operation, but you do anything, you're not a comparison that, the funny thing about is I think a lot of people said this stuff happened by accident , cuz I.

I was doing some software for like a CRM kind of software that we were selling and using for marketing. And we, I went to the US and I went to this seminar for a three day thing and we thought it was about the software and somewhere the guy did a switcheroo in, in a, in a book publishing. And so I walked in doing one thing and came out doing something else and I sort of bit weird, but yeah, I just sort of like sort of fell into it and then sort of realized how powerful it was to be able to write a.

to be able to sort of do better marketing. So we had a lot of people doing marketing and they didn't have anything to talk about. So we realized that if you did the book first, you actually had something to talk about that proved you knew what you're talking about. And marketing was easier. So that's how we kind of switched it around.

Then we came back, hang on a minute. This is easier. If they write a book, they've gotta be, it's gotta be structured. It's gotta explain what they do well. Therefore we can use that as a marketing tool and then we can sell people that book or give that book away or whatever. And it's kind of, we sort of moved on from there, sort of a hook.

But I, I remember when I was like, I think 11 or 12 or something, I wanted to be a journalist and I also wanted to publish books and, you know, write books. And I wrote some books like on the side sort of thing as a kid, but never did anything. So it wasn't until I was like 45 or something before I published the first book.

and back, you know, back 40 years ago, as you would've known, publishing book wasn't easy. It's not something you just sat down and wrote and published and, and did it. You had to go through a publisher, you had to, you know, do stuff. Nowadays it's so much easier to do that because these platforms will pay you for it, whereas comparison before you used to pay for it, you know, when I first published my first two books,, they're, they're written in 10 and that's how.

To manage your staff more effectively and kickstart your career? I went initially to a publisher and one of, well, there were a couple of problems. One that they, they wanted me to rewrite the book so it became something completely different to what I'd intended and what I felt was important. But also it was gonna take 18 months.

Uh, and by publishing it myself, and you are quite right, it cost me a lot of money because I had bought in expertise for each of the different things that needed to be done, but it was very, very clumsy and clunky and time consuming.  I've used your services to help me having written my book when we first started, in fact, we republished a book, uh, because it was with a different publisher.

The constraints in terms of how I could use it and change it were really quite draconian. So we slightly changed the book and republished it. There's lots of different ways that you can help people with their book, isn't there? Both writing it and making the most of it once it's. And I think the thing is, what you're thinking about is the differences between, like, there's to, in my mind there's kind of three differences.

There's, there's a publisher, it looks like your, your big publishers that publish books for people, hybrid publishers, which I'll talk about later, and kind of what we are and all self, self-published authors. So there's kind of like three layers to this thing. , if you like the sandwich, the publishing sandwich and the hybrid publishers gotta sits in the middle.

But the thing is, the way it kind of works is that when you go publishing, yeah, you've got all those problems you gotta get through in terms of they'll wanna rewrite the book, they'll wanna change the cover, they wanna change the title, and technically don't end up owning it anyway. So it's all that delay that goes through that process, plus 18 months can be before the book comes out.

And so a lot of people kind of go down that route thinking that's the best way to.  and I think that's, I had a lot of people say I'm putting in submissions and all sort of stuff, but the reality is, is that publishers use the old 80 20 rule or less even probably 90% of the titles they do. They never touch any ever again.

It just goes back in the store room and they never see 'em. And so they're walking in that little 10% that's gonna work for them.  and the rest they don't really care about necessarily. So that's the danger of going out there and thinking you can just go get a publisher and everything, be good. Because publishers aren't marketers.

That's why they're called publishers. . Yes. So, so I think the thing is nowadays you can, the nice thing about it is the social media platforms and Amazon and, and Apple and those, they want you to create content for them because they can then use that to generate. . So it's the game changed in that situation.

So publishers are definitely on the, on the outer now because they've been really wiped out by Amazon, so I think that's good because it means you got, you can do it yourself. So that's where the problem lies though, is people think they can write a book.  and do it all themselves without any, the first time, their first rodeo if you like.

And then, yeah, cuz they learn a lot or they cost them a lot of money or they never finish it and all that kind of thing. So you hear that sort of Dr drama of what they've created themselves without any actual strategy to start with. So we kind of do what I call the Tarantino when we do a book and that is we start at the end and work our way.

So you know, when you see a Tecini movie, you see the, they usually put the STA end of the show at the start, and you spend the entire movie trying to figure out how that fits , right? And, and so that's what we do. We kind of do cover title, strategy, table of contents, all that stuff first, but most authors do it last, particularly with the cover and the title.

It's interesting, isn't it? Because I think, and I've worked with a number of people who, who have such great expertise to share, and one of the things that we talk about is writing a book and why at a business level it's so important. And we, you know, we talk about the fact that, that it gives you credibility.

there's still that mystique about people who've got a published book. Yeah. Um, but your, your expertise and your standing as an expert, as somebody to listen to, I think is hugely improved, by having a published book and certainly in the early days of my first two books, that was my calling card, uh, to prove my credibility when I was changing in.

It has so many really important positives to have a published book. Um, you've talked about the fact that it helps marketing, but I think people understanding the why behind their book before they start writing, or we're going to be talking about writing a book without writing later on. Yeah. Um.

because if what you want to do is to write a book that shares your family history with your, your family and your friends, that's a very different purpose that somebody that's got a message that they want to get out there, and then knowing who your or your audience are going to be and why you want to talk to them, I think is incredibly important.

Is that part of your process at the beginning when. Start, as you say, doing reverse engineering and starting from the end Going forward, I think why is a good question because the thing is that and why works a lot when we used to do is tech support for, for accounting software. We used to ask 'em why they're doing this, why are you doing this?

And most people don't know why they're easy. See I'm just doing it cuz I thought I'd be a good idea or whatever. So sometimes it's asking just why are you doing this? What do you want to get out of? It's a good place to start. I. Interesting enough, like we always look at legacy and logic books, right? So the legacy book is, is more about you and stuff like that and it takes tons more time to write.

Yes. And people try and start with a legacy book. And I often say, mate, start with a logic book that you can write quickly and easily about what you know. Yeah. It's a lot easier. Like any, any English teacher will tell you. Right. It's write what you know. It's much easier than write what you dunno. Cause they get found out pretty quick.

Right? ? Yeah. And, and we had a, we had a, someone come to, my sister referred this author to me that it's actually didn't have very long to live. She only had a, probably a couple months to live. And she published, she'd written this book about some stuff that happened in tragedy, stuff that happened in, in North Queensland with the aboriginals and the, and all that sort of stuff.

And it was a very sort of book. She, we always wanted to publish. He wanted, leave a legacy of that book and, and really expose what happened. And so we published that book and she got in her hands and I mean she probably only lived a couple more weeks after that, but, but that was sort of the biggest smile, you know, like probably got her a couple weeks or weeks of life in some respects because of that, achieving that goal that she wanted to do.

So her big why was to publish it before she died. That's a pretty big why, right? It certainly is. And what a legacy that you enabled her to. Yeah. Yeah. And in part that's partly your legacy, isn't it? That you help people, leave a mark, which, you know, for me, there, there's a number of things that, that having a book I think is so important in terms of the work that I do.

It allows people access to your knowledge or expertise, your experience in a very inexpensive way, that for a few. A few pounds, people can have an encapsulated version that if they were going to work one-on-one,  would cost them much more and that they can work at it at their own pace. That you know that it's there.

And longer after I'm gone, there will be that legacy of all of the books that I've written that will still have validity. Because they're talking about how to live your best life, how  to be a great leader. But the other thing about it is that by writing the book, my thinking has moved on. The actual process of writing I think really solidifies, um, your thinking and why, why did I do it and why did I do it in that way?

It gets underneath that and I think that can be so. Yeah. I think the thing is you gotta look at as, you know, big, why, why are you writing that book? But the end of the day it's, it's, it depends on what's gonna happen as a result of that book. And so sometimes people hold themselves back cause they don't think they, they know enough or whatever.

The reality is, is that to me it is a business card. Cause it tells you, you know, it's a marketing plan too, in my mind. Or it's, it's a great, uh, cleansing process too because a lot of people have businesses really complicated sometimes, and you go, well, what makes, what's the 80 20 rule? Who, what makes all your money?

What's your focus on what's you write a book about? And they write a book about something that's actually so little in their business are not worth it, right? When they spend all day doing something else that they're good at. So figuring out what you're good at that you can do quickly. Even if it's your only, like sometimes they say, look, get a book.

and then you can also write another one, right? Yeah. Like I've done seven and now I do was do one a year. But the reality is, is that almost think like you don't, it's not like you're restricted to one book. You can write your first book, get it done, and then write another one. Or read, you know, change that book.

Right. Coming in again, we did a client, we did like four books on LinkedIn, right? Yeah. And the last one was the best one because we, we'd sort of learnt so much in that process of writing those other three that we really nailed that last. But it was really a replication of all the other books, but it was a much improved version of it.

Right. And so getting an idea of what you're trying to achieve and then. The quickest pathway to it sometimes is the best way, rather than trying to figure out a way to make it really hard for yourself. People love to overcomplicate things, don't they? 

Many, many times about, yeah, keeping it simple. Yeah. The other thing that strikes me about this is when I, I'm writing a book, I think about if I was my younger self and I was going through this, what are the things that would actually either short circuit the system or enable me to evolve and develop more quickly and more effectively and more easily?

And I think often the over complication comes. When you are wanting to give people that information, you wanna give them everything rather than distilling it to, in my, if I had you know, things that would make this easier, quicker, and, um, more straightforward, cost me less money, cost me less time and effort, what would those things be?

And often there, as you said, are the simplest things. Yeah, well interesting thing, we've got a little exercise we've put our author through and we ask them to write a letter from, from a reader that's read their book before they've even written it. Right. And, and, and it's quite amazing cause you're writing from the other person's perspective of what they got out of the book.

So almost like future pacing what's gonna happen. Yeah. Yeah. And it's a very interesting exercise and Mo and when they do it, they realize something that they wouldn't have got any other way was they had to take themselves in their. Sort of skin and put it in someone else's shoes essentially, and figure out what, what that person would want out of it.

It's a whole different mindset of thinking that through. And so yeah, we find that's quite a good exercise. We get 'em to do, we write, get 'em to write a letter from, from saying all somebody's read the book and what they got out of it and all that sort of stuff. It works really well. So it's kind of figure out what the big picture might be in the net result.

Really powerful. Now we're gonna go for a short break, John, but when we come back, I want to talk about the, the, the concept of writing a book without ever picking up a pen. Yeah. Don't go away. While we're, uh, on our break, have a think about what's level of the expertise experience if you got either professionally or personally, that could have helped your younger self, if only you had known, uh, what it was.

So see you in a.

Welcome back. So John, we're gonna talk about how you write without writing potty. Doesn't that log Cabin ? You're in the log cabin. . Yeah. So talk us through how you can write a book without writing. I think 90 days you talk about actually doing it in 90 days. So the, we used to do a lot of networking. You, somebody said, what do you do for a living?

And I used to say, well, I used to help people write books in as little as 90 days without writing a single word and being an international bestseller. And I had to practice that quite a lot to get that out. But the reality was that notice how do you do that, right? First question. And, and I think the thing is that part of it's about strategy, about thinking out the big picture.

So by thinking. . And the other thing we use a lot is particularly in business books as what I call pathways or success paths or anything, stuff like that. So it's kind of thinking four or five things that might, they might lead from start to finish, like I guess a skinny person, a fat person. Right. What's the journey between weight loss?

You know, not everybody just cuts, starts off, let's say fat men become skinny. There's always that thing in the middle. Yes. And so by that scenario we are at, at that Perth journey. Where are you on it at the moment too? So you may not. , you may not be overweight. Let's say you're mildly overweight, but you wanna become thin, right?

So looking at all those different scenarios and figuring out what the pathway might be, and then planning out what we say, write the table of contents. Once you've done that, then you're just plugging in holes. You're really sort a little tiny project management then. And then by recording it, if you're a talker, some people aren't talkers, right?

So if you're a talker and you can, and you can transcribe it by just basically saying it on audio. , but by having a plan at the start, before you start. So just start rambling on. You know, you've written your table of contents and you've probably written a little bit of a, an outline of what you want to talk about, and then a very structured kind of conversation.

Now, sometimes that works better when someone else does it with you, so they're asking you questions. We've done it before where we have a four or five questions we wanna ask. Based on that chapter. And then we ask the questions and they, they tell us the answers. And by structuring that way, you get so much more done.

Cause you can speak probably four, 5,000 words in an hour. So you can actually write that book in like in a week cuz basically you can just talk it, um, as well as what you've got in the kitty kitty already. So a lot of people who are writing, let's say you're writing book on real estate or something like that, chances are you've got a very well educated hard.

So you've got all this stuff on your hard drive. You've got over the years that you've written out letters, you've written to people. I wrote once, wrote an email to someone who actually recycled back into the book. Cause I reckon was actually explained everything really well. I thought, oh, I've got an email I wrote about this.

So go and do that asset test and just find anything you might have written or got access to. So you can actually build out that. It's almost like a science project if you like. You're trying to funnel all the components to, to build this thing. But treating a little small chunks rather than big.

And that way you can actually build it slowly but much, much faster because you've got these little, how do you eat an elephant kind of thing, like a little piece at a time. It's, I think, an incredibly powerful structure and approach. Interesting. When I wrote my first books, and you'll know that I'm not particularly technical, John will often say it'll only take a little while and.

Four hours later, I'm still struggling. Gina moment, and then he'll come and rescue me by taking over my computer. And, uh, but I, I did that very thing, but I did it using, you know, those Pauline uh, bags that you keep things on files. And I broke my book down into chapters and I had, um, a plastic bag for each chapter.

When I had a thought, I would write it down on a scrap of paper. It would go in there. And so if I had half an hour, then I'd just think, right, what do I wanna write about? And I would look at a little chapter. But of course, the software that's available now, things like OTA ai where you can speak into it and as you speak into.

Automatically does a transcription for you. Yeah, yeah, exactly. You can see it in real time. That's pretty good now. Yeah, and and much more reliable in terms of actually understanding what, who you're talking about because a lot of the early ai, they basically, you, you spend most of your time trying to fix up what, what they've mistakenly got.

But now it's really good at picking stuff up. So I think at the end of the day, you know, now's a great time to write a book. When it used to be maybe even 10 years ago, even five years ago, wasn't as as easy as is now. No cause of the automations and the way that that AI can sort of pick stuff up. So, so leveraging that technology and figuring out the best way to do it.

but, but to me it's like anything you most people do as they build a house, you don't just start building today. You've gotta have plans. You've gotta figure out what it's gonna look like on the outside and that kind of stuff. And that's the thing that most people don't spend a lot of time on. That's the cover and title stuff.

They spend almost as little as time as possible on it. I've seen. So that's the bit that I think is the most important part, is getting the cover and the title right at the start. Cuz now you've got your house plan if you like. You've got your outside of the house gonna look like what it's. , then you know what it's gonna be like inside.

You can move things around, you can understand it. Otherwise you end up in this problem of actually changing things along the way, or the book doesn't end up what you think it's supposed to be. I mean, other people send me covers and I go, what the hell is this? It's like, oh, that's a book about hr. It looks like something else.

Yeah. It's like, did you think about this? It's like, oh, about about five minutes . I mean, one of my client clients we know very well. He wrote a book and, and basically took a photo this day of, of him, and he looks like a surgeon, but he's not a surgeon. So he put that on the front cover and it's like, you didn't think about anything about that book.

You thought that was a cute photo to use, and you just used it and it didn't even look like, And it's like you didn't think about it. And those things of people, that's when they're too close to it, right? They're, they're not getting that, that extra advice or anything like that. They're way too close to the project.

I think there's a, a number of things that, that are worth picking out of that John. And one is this whole business of, you know, if you are a business person, the chances are you've got a business plan and you are strategic about what you're doing, and you need to carry that same technique in terms of being strategic when you're writing a book.

And in some ways it, it makes even more sense to do that because you're going to have something tangible that's going to stand the test of time. And so spending that time on planning so that it's streamlined and that you haven't got lots of extra. Stuff that doesn't add value makes a huge amount of sense for your reader, but also it's gonna save you time and energy and money because dealing with the whole thing is going to be much more straightforward.

And the funny thing about it is there's a good saying out there. I wish I had more time to write less. Yes. Well, don't you find when you are trying to write anything that if you've got, I write lots of articles for different magazines and the short articles are much more time consuming to write because they need to be much pithy and much more to the point you try doing a business card, right?

Yeah, I can, I can find that business card will take 10 times longer than a two page brochure. Yeah. And a two page brochure will take, you know, like a, you know, as soon as the smaller it gets, the less it gets, the harder. Yes. And, and so I think that's probably why Twitter confused a lot of people. Right?

And so at the end of the day, it's like you, you to write less. It's actually an art. They're not writing too much. Yeah. And I think that's, that's the bit that tightening it up and that getting an editor to do that kind of stuff is, I think if you, if you're trying to edit your own book and try and proofread your own book, that's where you're gonna foul of a lot of problems.

That's, I certainly know particularly around proofreading your own book, you're too close. You've seen it and you make assumptions about what's there rather than truly reading it. We're gonna for another break now, but when we come back, I'd like to explore the whole business and. Bestseller status and why?

That is something that people really ought to think about, not just writing their book, but how to get their book to bestseller status to stand out from the millions and millions of books that are being published all the time. So don't go away. We'll be back in a minute.

Welcome back. So John, you've got seven bestsellers. I've got three. Uh, thanks to you. I have to say, why is it so important to have that status, particularly today? Well, I think the thing is too, and, and we probably need to talk a bit about hybrid publishing too, because there's a couple of components there about this.

Again, it's a bit about strategy. So, and I spoke to someone today about this whole thing. You know, I was talking LinkedIn and he's talking about, I've done these bestseller books and stuff like that, and I looked at his book and I said, I could do 10 times better than what you did. And that's because you didn't do it properly at the.

So number one is getting all that stuff right at the beginning and getting the, the cover right and all that sort of stuff. Getting that, get it published properly. Next stage of the thing is bestseller. So there's a big difference between being a bestselling author and just an author and for a media's perspective.

That's where it makes an interesting, cuz they want to talk about a bestselling book cuz it sounds good. As opposed to just, I wrote a book cuz anybody could, you know, in theory could write a book, right? Yeah. But not everybody gets to be bestseller. And the thing about bestseller too is it's a bit of a kind of,  classification cause no one was gonna show up at your house and give you an award.

So they're not gonna show up and tell you here's your special, special prize for being bestseller. Because Amazon  is probably the place where most of the bestsellers get created, but people don't understand is Amazon's not a bookstore, it's an e-commerce store. . So what they think is that when you go into a, a bookstore and publishers think the same thing, there's a tour, you know, two categories, that's it.

You know, stick it in self-help and you're sticking in general marketing or something and you're done. And so what a lot of people when they publish books is they think that's what they've gotta do with best seller, though there's a way of, in Amazon particular, have been able to extend those categories out and get more categories, which basically means that different categories have different sales.

which means that you can rank in those categories. Like if you wanna rank number one in Amazon, for example,or the top 100, you probably need to sell two and a half thousand books a a day to get to number one. But if you have a look at them, most of 'em are shirtless guys. , right? So it's got course romance sell, right?

So you are competing against all these romance books, right? And so when you think about it, well, how many books do you need to sell? That's a lot of books per day to sell. And we did that when we did USA Today in Wall Street Journal. We either sell two and a half thousand books a day for like five days in a row to be able to get those rankings.

But then if you look at Amazon and, and you look at the categories and where you should be, then what you're doing is you're engineering yourself into a situation where you might appear on number one, less bestseller list for the how was sales, but that art and science of knowing which categories are choose and which time way to time it, and getting the sales done at the same time.

That's the trick to the whole. . So you've got a surge. You've got a surge in sales in a certain period of time, it's like 24 hours. Okay? If you don't, then Amazon starts re-ranking you back down again, and you start dropping away, and then you never get back there unless you get another big surge of sales.

So it's a concentrated activity, figuring out what categories you should be in, and a very concentrated activity for 24 hours to make sure you hit those categories and hit the numbers. , then Amazon notices you and then from there it's an investment, in my opinion. Cuz what you've done now is not only did you achieve those bestseller rankings, but you've also got your book ranked in those categories, which means you'll show up again and someone will see you because Amazon doesn't like if your 3000000th book in the Amazon, which is about about roughly what there is there, and you're not selling any books or hardly any, you could be 2,000,500.

right? Yeah. You're never gonna show up on any list , right? So far down there, no one's ever gonna find you. So you've gotta appear where, you know, where people will watch you if you like. It's one of those things too that, that the practicalities on Amazon are something which is, I think more of a science, more of an art.

Yeah, I call it art and science. So there's, there's an art to it because you've gotta make it look pretty, but it's an engineering exercise as well cuz it's about getting sales at a certain period of time and anything you rank in, like you look at, you know, the best selling music or movies or whatever, it doesn't matter.

It's all about numbers, right? Yeah. It's also about the timing. So if you see the top 10 movies and currently the top 10 movies this week aren't the top 10 movies two weeks. ? No, because that dropped away. HRIS has dropped off, and so it's a continuous process of getting that big surge of activity, getting the numbers up, so then you can actually rank in that list.

But you probably won't stay there unless you're Harry Potter , right? No. No. So how can people find you and, uh, you know, where would they go if they wanted to work with you to help them write their book and to get bestseller status and or, cause if you've got a book written already, presumably you can help people get to Best self status.

Yeah. Yeah. As long as they're not, if they're a traditionally published, this is the caveat. We usually say if you're a traditionally published author, you're probably doomed  because, or the publishers won't work properly with Amazon. They don't understand Amazon. So that's the danger is that sometimes, unless they can get their published to cooperate, which they really do, then that's not an option for them.

But usually if you publish your own book or you've got a, you know, self-published it and you've had someone help you, that sort of thing, that's, so if they're want, get in touch with me, probably best place to start is Johnnorth.au. Uh, which is an easy one to remember, um, because I've got a links to everything else and it's like a, you can book a conversation and that sort of stuff along it, um, and, and go from there.

So basically, you know, if you haven't written a book, you wanna write a book or you've. You've got a book ready to go or you've written a book. That's basically our wheelhouse, you know, as long as there's a book involved there somewhere, . Right. Brilliant. I'd be really grateful if you're going to get in touch with John, you'd let know that you've heard about him on this show.

Because ultimately I've worked with John now for. I can't remember how many years, five years. It must, I think it's about five years. And,  I found that it's been, , really amazing and it's helped me publish a number of books, that you can find on Amazon. So do co and have a look on Amazon.

Look at the Gina Gardner page and you'll find all of my books there. Uh, and please buy them. That would be wonderful. Before, before we finish, and we've only just got a few minutes, we are very proud to be members of B one G one. Buy one, give one. it's an incredible charity, um, that works all over the world, and it's designed for the businesses to be able to give, uh, in a very simple and easy way.

And all of the money that's donated goes to one of the projects, they have a separate way of raising the money to run the charity so you can be really sure that your money gets spent on what you think it's going to be spent on. And each time we have a guest, we invite them to choose a particular, um, project outta four for us to donate to on their behalf.

So at the moment, it's clean water education, the environ. . And the last one is supporting young children in Ukraine. Which of those four projects would you like us to donate to on your behalf? Maybe we should pick the Ukraine one. Give us, give us a topical at the moment. Right. That's great.

Thank you. And a donation will be going on your behalf from of genuinely you. John, it just remains for me to say a huge thank you for being on the show.

I have personally benefited from working with you and I really recommend anyone out there who's got a book in them really think about writing a book in 90 days without touching a pen or writing in a book or on the computer.

Uh, but if you have got a book and you wanted to be an international best seller Then John's your person. Thank you, John. It's been great and I would like to say to you, please do be in touch. Go to my website, www.genuinely-you.co. You'll find all sorts of programs, all sorts of resources, or email me at gina@genuinely-you.com.

Do join us on the next show. Thank you very much for being part of this one, John. Thanks again.

About The Show:

For over thirty years Gina has worked with leaders and their teams from around the world, facilitating their growth and supporting their development of higher states of consciousness so that they make a positive impact and greater profitability within their personal life and within their business.

Gina is a multiple No1 International Bestselling Author and has written over 30 books including “Thriving Not Surviving – the 5 Secret Pathways To Happiness, Success And Fulfilment”. She is a Motivational Speaker, Empowerment and Transformational Leadership Coach and Trainer with well over 30 years of experience helping people experience greater happiness, holistic and profitable success and fulfilment both personally and professionally.

Gina facilitates leaders, their teams and individuals at every stage of their personal and professional development helping them to own their genuine power and unleash their unlimited potential. Gina walks her talk – authenticity is a fundamental principle of Enlightened Limitless Leadership and one which she demonstrates consistently to all.

Her holistic approach to consulting, training and coaching supports the development of self-worth, confidence, self-reflection, emotional intelligence, curiosity, intuition in others. She empowers people to become the leaders of their own life and then to lead others with integrity, compassion and courage.

Gina facilitates leaders to work smarter and think strategically and fully develop the potential of their team so that they become truly enlightened leaders. Doing so leads to highly motivated and engaged staff who see themselves as part of the solution. The outcome is better staff relationships, greater creativity and increased productivity, excellent leadership and change management and significantly increased profitability.

Gina is the CEO of Genuinely You Ltd, and of Gina Gardiner Associates. She has created many courses and programmes including the Thriving
Not Surviving (Personal and Spiritual Development Programme), and The accredited Enlightened Leadership Programme and many more. 

Gina has been described by Ofsted as an “inspirational leader” and by Investors in People as an “impressive coach and exceptional mentor who
has developed an innovative and exemplary training schemes",

Following a serious ski accident in 1983 and two failed back surgeries Gina has learned to walk twice as an adult and for over 20 years ran an award-winning school, for the most part from a wheelchair. Her school was on Her Majesties Inspectors (HMI) List of the Top 100 Schools in England twice during her tenure. The gift of this experience was the creation of a unique approach to life and the development of leadership which has continued to be at the heart of her life’s work.

Gina lives in the UK, she loves to spend time with family and friends, to travel, see live theatre and is a keen gardener.

Gina has a huge mission – to positively impact on over a million people through the development holistic, spiritual, enlightened and profitable leadership within the next three years. She is absolutely passionate about helping people have the integrity, compassion and courage to be their ‘BEST’ selves.

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