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Author Name: Randi Goodman,Diane Sanchez,Angela Gleason,Shelley Jayne Viray,Beth Thomas,Sarah-Eliessa Badaoui,Jessica Pitawanakwat

There are very few things in life that will help you succeed more than perseverance. It is the secret tool that gives you the strength to face any battle and win.
This book is filled with stories of women who persevered through impossible situations with grace, compassion, and strength that will encourage others. If you feel like you are facing something insurmountable in your life, this book is for you. You will hear from women who overcame situations when they were told they could not. They took those negative messages and used them as fuel to propel forward, and they share in this book how you can too!
Perseverance is a must-read for anyone who is facing challenges that look to be impossible.


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