book cover


Author Name: Isabella Wilde,Delta Venus,Kit Bailey

This book is a return to wholeness, a call for leadership and a living prayer. A comprehensive model of enquiry for tangible, sustaining, radical change upon our planet.

Business mirrors the somatic pulse of human evolution. It is a living conversation which contains both the questions and the answers to the cataclysmic nature of our times. It is the axis upon which our world revolves, the metaphysical key to radical systemic change.

Latticed across our earthen homebody is a labyrinth of business concealing a pathway to the core disruptors and core solutions for global regeneration. From the inner planes of consciousness to the palpable throb of the material world, evolutionary business is carved from the thriving ecology of relational intelligence.
Business is an invitation to know thyself.

From an unconventional pilgrimage of business and self becoming, this book is a compendium of core concepts, a political voice, a prayer for future generations and a poetic enquiry into the human experience.

#IsabellaWilde #johnnorth

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