Jane Turner


Last seen: 283 days ago

I help coaches, consultants, and service-based professionals to be known as the expert in their field by becoming a published author through my Power Writing and Business Development Program.

If you ….

• Are great at what you do and want clients chasing you rather than the other way around.
• Are sick of seeing your competitors signing up your ideal clients.
• Are being overlooked for speaking and other profile building opportunities.

I can help you …

• Build your profile and credibility by becoming a published author
• Establish yourself as the expert in your field
• Take the weight of sales off your shoulders so that you can have more time, freedom, and space to do what you really got into business for

► WHAT I DO: I take the guess work out of producing a market penetrating book

► HOW I DO IT: I provide an easy to follow template to unpack your content into, and a structured accountability and support structure to ensure that you don’t fall into the common traps of procrastination, perfectionism or self-doubt. Then I show you how to leverage published author status to build you business exponentially.

► MY MISSION: To help passionate coaches, consultants, and service-based professionals to attract high-quality clients so that they can get out of the cycle of working too hard for too little, and into a space where their business is providing the lifestyle they deserve.

► WHY IT WORKS: I made every mistake known to man when I wrote my first book. I’ve bundled everything I learnt on that five year journey and the ten years I've spent working with others who want to write authority producing books into the Power Writing and Business Development Program. This program enables my clients to get from where they are to where they want to be in a matter of months rather than years, and start to attract similar results to mine such as massive amounts of high quality free publicity and the opportunities to become a sought after international speaker.

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