The Wild Adventures of a Small Town Kid

The Wild Adventures of a Small Town Kid.png

Welcome to today’s episode of my daily email journey podcast!

I grew up in a tiny town.

And I don’t mean “small” like everyone knew each other.

I mean really small—population 5, maybe 10 on a busy day.

It was actually railway siding in western Queensland called "Stamford". 

My adopted parents (long story for another time) ran a trucking company from home and also managed the local post office—where I had my first taste of entrepreneurship. 

There was a Railway Station and a house for the Station Master (he actually taught me how to play chess).

At age 12, I was already serving customers, running the phone switchboard, and learning firsthand how business worked.

And when I say "old-school"—I mean party line phones where you'd connect a call, and all the local cattle and sheep properties could listen in. Pretty sure half the district knew who was fighting with their cousin before the gossip even hit town.

That's social engagement right there!

At the same time, I was driving the mail truck ( well a Toyota 4WD)—yeah, at 12. I could barely see over the steering wheel, and the only time I was on the road was when I crossed it.

Probably not the safest idea, but hey, it built resilience (and made me appreciate better driving laws).

My schooling?

“School of the Air.” They’d mail you a full semester’s lessons (yep, by mail), and every day, you’d check in on a two-way radio to prove you were actually doing the work. 

No skipping class when the whole district could hear you. So I got up early and did my lessons, and then, by lunchtime, it was done for the day, and I could disappear outside until dinner time.

It turns out that having no distractions out in the bush means you get your schoolwork done fast.  

By the time I hit high school, I was almost a year ahead of everyone else. 

But high school with other students wasn’t easy for me. I got bullied—a lot. 

Growing up so isolated didn’t exactly give me people skills. Plus, my mum and I moved 13 times in 10 years, running from my adopted father, who’d spiralled out of control on stay-awake pills (cause he was a truck driver), and literally wanted to kill us.

Being the “new kid” at school that often? I had to learn fast how to talk people out of picking on me—or at least try. I even tried boxing...not my calling, but hey, points for effort.

By 1980, life had come full circle. I ended up back in Hughenden, finished Grade 10, and landed a job at the local bank. Fun fact: I was only 16, so technically too young to handle money. They stuck me in the back office until I was “legal.” I applied for exactly two jobs in my life—and got both.

But after 11 years of bank transfers, I was done. I wanted control. So, I quit and started an IT and accounting software business. While working in the bank, I’d completed a Business & Accounting Diploma, and I was determined to use it my way.

That whole wild ride—small-town lessons, tough situations, and figuring stuff out on my own—taught me a lot.


Not an option.


The only way forward.

At one point, I actually wanted to be a journalist. Even did work experience at a local paper...until they convinced me not to do it. Ironically, when I take those career quizzes, it always pops up as a journalist, cop (I was one for two days—another wild story), or a business owner.

Guess I was wired for storytelling all along.

Which brings me to why I help people publish books today.

Deep down, I always wanted to see my name in print. And now, with self-publishing easier than ever, I’ve realised a book is more than just a collection of pages—it’s a legacy.

The one thing you create that can outlive you.

Writing a book is the only asset you create that will still be around long after you're gone.  Unless you're a movie star, oh wait, they write books, too.

I even wrote a book on how to publish your book called "Book Publishing Secrets for Entrepreneurs.

It's because I believe everyone has stories worth sharing. 

Want a free copy? 

Check out the link in the description.

So what's your story? 

No one survives this 3rd rock from the Sun and does not have some stories to tell!

Thank you for tuning in! Don’t forget to subscribe at , and I’ll see you in the next episode of my daily email summary podcast.


I grew up in a tiny town. And I don’t mean “small” like everyone knew each other. I mean really small—population 5, maybe 10 on a busy day.

It was a railway siding in western Queensland called "Stamford". 

It has a long history check it out,_Queensland my sister even built a roadhouse there in 2012 and helped build a local school.

My adopted parents (long story for another time) ran a trucking company from home and also managed the local post office—where I had my first taste of entrepreneurship. 

There was a Railway Station and a house for the Station Master (he actually taught me how to play chess).

At age 12, I was already serving customers, running the phone switchboard, and learning firsthand how business worked.

And when I say "old-school"—I mean party line phones where you'd connect a call, and all the local cattle and sheep properties could listen in. Pretty sure half the district knew who was fighting with their cousin before the gossip even hit town.

That's social engagement right there!

At the same time, I was driving the mail truck ( well a Toyota 4WD)—yeah, at 12. Could barely see over the steering wheel, and and mostly only time I was on the road was when I crossed it.

Probably not the safest idea, but hey, it built resilience (and made me appreciate better driving laws).

My schooling?

“School of the Air.” They’d mail you a full semester’s lessons (yep, by mail), and every day, you’d check in on a two-way radio to prove you were actually doing the work. 

Check it out:

No skipping class when the whole district could hear you. So I got up early and did my lessons and then by lunch time was done for the day and could disappear outside until dinner time.

Turns out, no distractions out in the bush means you get your schoolwork done fast.  

By the time I hit high school, I was almost a year ahead of everyone else. 

But high school with other students  wasn’t easy for me. I got bullied—a lot. Growing up so isolated didn’t exactly give me people skills. Plus, my mum and I moved 13 times in 10 years, running from my adopted father, who’d spiraled out of control on stay-awake pills (cause he was a truck driver) and he literally wanted to kill us.

Being the “new kid” at school that often? I had to learn fast how to talk people out of picking on me—or at least try. I even tried boxing...not my calling, but hey, points for effort.

By 1980, life had come full circle. I ended up back in Hughenden, finished Grade 10, and landed a job at the local bank. Fun fact: I was only 16, so technically too young to handle money. They stuck me in the back office until I was “legal.” I applied for exactly two jobs in my life—and got both.

But after 11 years of bank transfers, I was done. I wanted control. So I quit and started an IT and accounting software business. While working in the bank, I’d completed a Business & Accounting Diploma, and I was determined to use it my way.

That whole wild ride—small town lessons, tough situations, and figuring stuff out on my own—taught me a lot.

Fear? Not an option. Focus? The only way forward.

At one point, I actually wanted to be a journalist. Even did work experience at a local paper...until they convinced me not to do it. Ironically, when I take those career quizzes, it always pops up as journalist, cop (I was one for two days—another wild story), or business owner. Guess I was wired for storytelling all along.

Which brings me to why I help people publish books today.

Deep down, I always wanted to see my name in print. And now, with self-publishing easier than ever, I’ve realised a book is more than just a collection of pages—it’s a legacy.

The one thing you create that can outlive you.

Writing a book is the only asset you create that will still be around long after your gone.  Unless your a movie star, oh wait they write books too.

I even wrote a book on how to publish your book—because I believe everyone has stories worth sharing. Want a free copy? Grab it here

So what's your story? 

No-one survives this 3rd rock from the Sun and not have some stories to tell!

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