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My name is John North and Welcome to today’s episode of my "Daily Email Journey Podcast"!

Every weekday I send an email to my list and this is an audio version for you to Binge them, revisit your favorites, or catch up during your commute.

Let's dive in....

For over a decade, I’ve had countless conversations with aspiring authors, and let me tell you, some recurring myths never seem to fade

Picture this: a room filled with hopeful writers, many clutching their pens in anxiety, fixated on spelling and grammar.

Now, let me share a gem of wisdom that I always pass on to my clients. 

New Authors tend to rake in the big bucks. Editors?

Not so much.

The truth is, it’s the core idea that matters much more than perfecting every comma.

Sure, once that first draft is in the bag, we’ll fix those pesky typos, but many aspiring authors get so tangled in their worries about writing well that they hesitate to dive into the writing journey altogether.

In the grand scheme, becoming a published author is like catching lightning in a bottle.

Out of 7 billion people, only a few million will ever hold that title. So, when you publish a book, congratulations! You’re already among the rare 1%.

Next up in the myth queue is what to write about. Sometimes, it’s wiser to start with something simple.

There’s no law that says you can only write one book. 

Strategy is important here, is there a business in the book or a book around a business

From the perspective of an entrepreneur, you want a solid ROI on your investment. I think back to Graeme’s story from yesterday, where it took a few years, but now his book is supporting his lifestyle—proof that the journey is often worth it.

Writing about your expertise is the golden ticket to creating a book. After all, your experiences and insights are what make you the go-to expert in your field. When that inner voice chimes in with, “Oh, that sounds like a ton of work,” remind yourself—it can be if you approach it the wrong way.

But with proper strategy and design from the get-go, you can break the process down into bite-sized chunks. It’s like painting a house; you start with one wall, then one room at a time.

First, we focus on the cover and title, followed by the concept and the all-important Table of Contents.

We often spend weeks perfecting this part, because guess what? 

People do judge a book by its cover!

After that, it’s simply one chapter at a time, breaking the writing down into manageable segments. And don’t forget: your hard drive is likely brimming with ideas, knowledge, and content just waiting to be unleashed.

Getting those thoughts into their raw form should be your initial aim. Once that’s done, an editor can tidy things up to perfection.

Imagine committing just an hour a day for the next three to four weeks. You could end up with enough material for not one, but two books!

Now, let’s chat about the complexities of publishing—that’s our forte.

Honestly, you don’t want to be bogged down with jargon like ‘trim sizes’ or ‘PDF bleeds’—those terms can make your head spin!

They say 90% of people have a book inside them. Yet, believe it or not, less than 1% actually take the plunge and write one.

If you’re intrigued and want to learn more, check out our free mini-class at [Evolve Instant Author] and also discover “Which Publishing Path is Right for You?”

Thank you for tuning in!

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