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Trauma Release Formula: The Revolutionary Step by Step Program for Eliminating Effects of Childhood Abuse, Trauma, Emotional Pain and Crippling Inner Stress, ... without Drugs or Therapy (Second Edition)

by Anne Margolis


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For those of you done with suffering and ready to start healing and creating a life you love, Trauma Release Formula was written for you. It will guide you to release trauma, inner stress, and stuck painful emotional energy in your body through a step-by-step process that involves a deep and powerfully effective form of breathwork, emotionally expressive dance, and cutting-edge methods of moving that trapped energy out of your body’s cellular memory and transforming subconscious limiting thought patterns, beliefs and habitual behaviors to those that serve your highest potential and most optimal state of being.

This process allows for a gentle tuning of your body, so it can realign with the original state of homeostasis it was in before the trauma and stresses occurred.

Trauma Release Formula provides the key for you to unlock the emotional pain and suffering at play in your personal life, work, and relationships, and the chronic stress-related physical symptoms and illness you likely endure due to it. Fully free yourself from the imprints and impacts of intense stress and trauma with this book, so you can create a life you love.

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